Saturday, September 29, 2012

Around the Bend

So, we’ve been back in Indiana awhile and I’ve not been very good about updating the blog.  For that I apologize.  (It’s not like I have a huge audience!J)

We’ve been traveling this Fall and we’ve visited family, friends, and supporters in Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin.  We’ve also had the opportunity to be in 3 churches since we’ve been back. We praise God for the opportunity to share our call to Teen Missions International and the faithfulness He’s shown us since He started us on this journey!
It’s hard when we can’t see ‘around the bend’… 

We’ve talked about this a lot in the past 6 weeks since coming home from our summer adventure in France.  We’re so grateful that the waiting and the trusting (from the timing of going, to the housing, to the finances, and all the many details) has grown us closer to Him and to each other.  That’s what the waiting has been about.  It’s been the prepping time, the growing time, the stretching time, a LONG time. J  Some very familiar verses have taken on a whole new and deeper meaning: 
Proverbs 3:5, 6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” (NLT)
And WHEN to take it, and WHERE to take it, and HOW to get there…so comforting!

Moving On…It’s finally (almost) here! 
We’ve (re)set our move date to head to Teen Missions for the weekend of October 20th.  We have one more hurdle to jump before we finally get to Florida/TMI.  Remember I mentioned that Shonn had kidney stone surgery during Boot Camp in July?  Well, they’re not gone… so on October 10th he has to endure another ‘blasting’ of some more stones. Please pray for him as this is NOT a comfortable process! 

Would you PRAY with us about these things?
·         For Shonn’s quick recovery after his procedure

·         For continued monthly support to come in- we need $1000 to be at 100% monthly support

·         For prayer warriors to remember us daily

·         For the details of the move to come together

·         For continued safety in our travels

And PRAISE GOD with us that:
·         Monthly supporters have been joining with us in our ministry   

·         We received a gift of $1000 for moving!  WOW!

·         We had an anonymous donor send a large one-time gift to us

·         We’ve been blessed to see friends and family these past few months  

·         Katie received some Pell grant money to help with college

·         A friend volunteered to help us drive our ‘stuff’ to Florida

·         My request for fall colors to ‘come out’ happened…Yay, God! J

I’m actually glad I couldn’t see around the bend when we began our journey. (I’m not sure I would’ve moved my feet!)  None of us knows what’s around the bend, but we can be sure that God will continue to give us grace for each day and enough strength to handle it as it comes. 

And Blessings!  Did I mention how blessed we feel that God has called us??